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Betty Trout - Exploration In Color - Mur

I am enlivened by color! Yet, I have always been most comfortable creating with the grays of graphite pencil, working with the full range of hardness and softness of the graphite. With pencil, my work has been very detailed in the many commissioned portraits of homes, pets and people. I decided it’s time to overcome my intimidation of working with color … and explore it! Continuing the use of the subtle and bold range of lights and shadows to create form and flow in my art is important to me. And, I believe it is the foundation for a work in color. Color adds the complexities of intensity, warmth and coolness. This is what I’m exploring … how my use of color affects the flow of the piece.


I see beauty all around … even in dreariness … but most especially in color and in life! I attempt to create some of that in my art.

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